The Fiscal Corruptocrat follows the latest happenings with Wall St., the economy and corruption ridden governments.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Chicago Style Politics - Cashing Out to Cash In

Say it isn't so!

Chicago's Democrat Senator, Dick Durbin, sold $116,000 in personal investments after meeting face to face with Treasury Secretary (at the time) Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke as reported by the Chicago Sun Times.

He sits down with them on September 18, 2008 and is selling on September 19, 2008.

Sure we were all aware that the market was experiencing severe issues but don't you think having direct contact with these two gives you something of an edge? Not according to Durbin's spokesman, Joe Shoemaker who claims that Durbin didn't capitalize on anything he was told in the meeting and that any information he received wasn't secret or classified. He does admit however, that the information was made public the next day when Durbin was cashing out so he could cash in on some Berkshire Hathaway shares.

Wise up Illinois.

Vote these corruptocrats out of office ASAP and get them off our national stage. Decades of corrupt dealings are starting to rear their ugly head as your 'best and brightest' politicians are making their way into the wider public eye. It's giving the rest of us a good impression of the collective intelligence of your voting class...
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